Rent a UTV not an ATV

Rent a UTV not an ATV

Whenever you are traveling, you always need to find a good way to get around. There are actually many approaches you can take here, but some are always going to be better than others, and it will often depend on the terrain and what kind of route you actually go down. Two of the most common types of transport you can use to get around in the wild are UTV and ATV. But what are these, and why is it generally better to rent a UTV rather than an ATV? Let’s take a look at this right now.

UTV Versus ATV: What’s The Difference?

So first of all, what exactly is a UTV, and what’s an ATV? An all-terrain-vehicle (ATV) is a small kind of off-road vehicle. You might know it by some of its other common names such as a four-wheeler or a quad bike. ATVs are generally controlled by the use of handlebars, and they can only accommodate one rider at a time.

In comparison, a UTV is a utility task vehicle, which is also sometimes known as a recreational off-road vehicle or ROV. In this, the main difference is that you can usually seat two people at least side by side, a driver and a passenger. Sometimes you can even seat more than that. As you might imagine, that makes it a lot easier to get around and also makes this a much better option if you are going to be traveling with a few people. Most UTVs are steered with a steering wheel rather than handlebars.

What ATVs Are Used For

Generally, the use of ATVs are much more limited than the use of UTVs. They are more likely to be the kind of thing you might use for agricultural needs or something similar like that, but if you are going to be exploring a place generally a UTV is going to be the much better option.


What UTVs Are Used For

In comparison, UTVs are generally used for much more utility-based needs, such as when you really need to get from place to place on a golf course or other similar terrain, or really any kind of terrain that you might need to traverse easily. UTV’s have seat belts and cages to protect you. They are generally safer and easier to handle, and you will find that they are very often the go-to when you are looking at ATVs versus UTVs. If you need more stability and hauling capacity, then you are certainly going to want to use a UTV rather than an ATV.

So far, we have seen the major differences between UTVs and ATVs, and it is already becoming clear that it is generally better to hire a UTV rather than the other alternative, especially when you are traveling and trying to explore your destination more effectively. But what specifically can you expect out of a UTV? Let’s take a look at the major benefits next.

The Benefits Of A UTV

There are many distinct benefits of using a UTV, so let’s take a look at some of the major ones in detail now.


UTVs are extremely versatile, and are often seen as workhorses that can be applied to a myriad of situations with ease. That means that they are just so much more likely to be the best rental choice, in so many circumstances. Their versatility is very often going to mean that you are much more likely to get a lot out of them, no matter what specifically you might be needing to use them for.

Tackle Any Terrain

Specifically, one of the main ways in which a UTV is versatile is that it is possible to use it on any terrain at all. So if you are in the desert, or you find yourself in the woods or out on the plains, you can certainly find a UTV for the job. Therefore, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you have the chance to rent a UTV or an ATV, you are going to feel a lot better and more secure in a UTV every time.


You have a considerable amount more space with a UTV compared to an ATV, and that makes it a much better option whenever you are trying to take your family around somewhere. When you are on holiday with your family and you want to go exploring together, you are always going to find that easier with a UTV, whereas using an ATV it just wouldn’t be possible. That extra space also means you can include your bags in the vehicle as necessary with ease, and without having to worry about leaving anything behind or packing light.

Safety Features

All UTVs come with a wide range of impressive and useful safety features, so that’s also something that you are going to find useful about this type of vehicle. Many other powersport vehicles do not have quite the same degree of safety, so that is something that is going to be really important here. Being safe is always a hugely essential thing, and you are going to find that a UTV is the way to do it, especially compared with renting out an ATV. This way, you can hope to keep yourself and your family as safe as you would hope.


Finally, driving around a UTV is just an incredible amount of fun, and there is nothing wrong with just wanting to do what’s more enjoyable here, especially if you are on a family holiday and you just want to have a good time. If you have never driven around a UTV before, you are going to be amazed with how easy it is, and how much fun you can have, so it’s definitely something that you are going to want to think about doing, next time you find yourself in a position to do so.

Take a look here to find out more about renting out UTVs.

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